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App Info

Download Thunderflow

Latest Release

Download Thunderflow v1.1.0, released on December 01, 2023

You should know!

Thunderflow runs in trial mode until you activate it with a license key. The trial is fully functional with up to 10 actions. You can buy a license key here.


How does Thunderflow work?

Thunderflow works by utilizing keyboard shortcuts or the quick actions panel to run predefined or custom actions on highlighted or clipboard text. It integrates with your system to allow real-time interaction with OpenAI's GPT, using different models and output styles for text manipulation, all within any text editor or input field on your machine.

Do you offer a free trial?

You can download Thunderflow for free and use it with up to 10 actions. After this, you'll be prompted to activate it with a license key, which you can buy for a one-time price and can be used indefinitely.

Do I need an OpenAI account or key?

Yes, Thunderflow leverages the capabilities of OpenAI's models, so you will need an OpenAI account and API keys to run the app. This setup ensures that all your data processing is handled directly through the OpenAI APIs, without being seen by Thunderflow itself. You can sign up for an API key from OpenAI here.

Is my data secure?

Since Thunderflow uses your own OpenAI keys, all interactions are private and your data is never seen by Thunderflow itself. The only server interaction Thunderflow has is when first installing the application and activating your license key.

What models does Thunderflow support?

Currently, Thunderflow supports the GPT 3.5 (turbo) and GPT 4 models. You can specify what model to use under each action's settings. We're also planning on adding support for other models, such as Anthropic's Claude, in a future update.

Can I customize the predefined actions in Thunderflow?

Yes, Thunderflow offers a high degree of customization. You can modify predefined actions or create entirely new custom actions to suit your specific workflow requirements.

Basic Usage